Commonly Observed Flora, Fauna and Fungi of the United States


This series of over 800 pencil drawings examines the biodiversity observed in the backyards, urban green-spaces and public lands of the United States. Using community science data available through iNaturalist, I used these drawings to compose prints that illustrate the biodiversity observed in each of the fifty states. Prints and original drawings in this series are available for purchase in my webstore.





American Badger



Gray Fox


Nine-banded Armadillo

River Otter


Collared Peccary

Florida Manatee

Island Fox

Mountain Lion


White-tailed Deer

American Black Bear


Florida Panther

Key Deer

Mule Deer

Red Fox

Grizzly Bear


Brown Rat

Douglas' Squirrel

Fox Squirrel

Marsh Rabbit


Mexican Free-tailed Bat

Tri-colored Bat

American Beaver

Black-tailed Prairie Dog

Eastern Chipmunk

Giant Kangaroo Rat



Big Brown Bat

American Red Squirrel

California Ground Squirrel

Eastern Cottontail

Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel

North American Porcupine

Yellow-bellied Marmot

Eastern Red Bat

Black-tailed Jackrabbit

Common Raccoon

Eastern Gray Squirrel


Olympic Marmot

Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel

Silver-haired Bat


American Bullfrog

Red Salamander

Cope’s Gray Treefrog

California Giant Salamander

Green Frog

Northern Red Legged Frog


Texas Toad

Barred Tiger Salamander

American Toad

Cuban Treefrog

Green Tree Frog

Eastern Red-backed Salamander

Marbled Salamander

Pickerel Frog

Wood Frog

Fowler’s Toad

Blue Spotted Salamander

Boreal Chorus Frog

Coastal Giant Salamander

Northern Leopard Frog

Southern Toad

Northwestern Salamander

Spotted Salamander

California Red-legged Frog

Gray Treefrog

California Slender Salamander

Northern Pacific Tree Frog (Northern Pacific Chorus Frog)

Eastern Newt

Spring Peeper

Rough Skinned Newt

Tiger Salamander


California Condor

Florida Sandhill Crane

Mute Swan

Snowy Egret

Whooping Crane

Canadian Goose

Great Blue Heron

Red Tailed Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Wild Turkey

Crested Caracara

Great Egret + Wood Stork

Roseate Spoonbill

White Ibis

Bald Eagle


American Goldfinch + Black Phoebe

Black-capped Chickadee

House Finch + Lark Bunting

House Sparrow

White-winged Dove

Northern Mockingbird

Song Sparrow

California Scrub Jay

Florida Scrub Jay

California Quail

American Robin

Blue Jay

Tufted Titmouse

Northern Cardinal + Red-winged Blackbird

Yellow-billed Magpie

Ruffed Grouse

Common Loon


Baltimore Oriole

Downy Woodpecker + Steller's Jay

Anna's Hummingbird

Western Meadowlark + Vaux's Swift

White Crowned Sparrow

White-throated Sparrow

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Great-tailed Grackle

Rock Pigeon

Greater Roadrunner

Spotted Towhee


Eastern Bluebird + Eastern Phoebe

Mourning Dove

Purple Finch

Black-billed Magpie + Swallow-tailed Kite

Carolina Wren

Gray Catbird


American Alligator


Pacific Gopher Snake


Northern Pacific Rattlesnake

Common Watersnake

Black Racer

Northern Cottonmouth

Green Anole

Eastern Ratsnake

Prairie Rattlesnake

Texas Tortoise

Brown Anole

California Kingsnake

Gray Ratsnake

Western Diamondback Rattlesnake

Gopher Tortoise

Common Snapping Turtle


Common Five-lined Skink

Eastern Collared Lizard

Northwestern Garter Snake

Mojave Desert Tortoise

Pond Slider

Southern Alligator Lizard

Dekay's Brownsnake

Florida Box Turtle

San Francisco Garter Snake

Northern Alligator Lizard

Prairie Lizard

Texas Horned Lizard

Diamondback Terrapin

Common Garter Snake

Wandering Garter Snake

Northwestern Fence Lizard

Red-eared Slider

Texas Spiny Lizard

Eastern Box Turtle

Eastern Garter Snake

Greater Short-horned Lizard

Painted Turtle

Western Ribbon Snake

Western Painted Turtle


American White Admiral

Clockwise top right: Asian Lady Beetle + Convergent Lady Beetle + Seven Spotted Ladybug

Blue Dasher

Ebony Jewelwing

Green Darner Dragonfly

Gulf Fritillary

Hickory Tussock Moth + Rosy Maple Moth + Police Car Moth

Red Admiral

Reddish-brown Stag Beetle

Clockwise top: Small Copper + Common Checkered-skipper + Pearl Crescent

Western Swallowtail

Clockwise top left: Western Honeybee + Pacific Velvet Ant + Eastern Black Carpenter Ant

White-lined Sphinx

Eastern Lubber Grasshopper

Clockwise top right: Ailanthus Webworm + American Snout + Colorado Hairstreak

Red-Spotted Purple

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

Clockwise top right: False Potato Bug + Winter Firefly + Japanese beetle + Common Eastern Firefly + Goldenrod Soldier Beetle

Fragile Forktail

North American Wheelbug

Painted Lady Butterfly

Clockwise top right: Hunt's Bumble Bee + Two-Spotted Bumblebee + Yellow-faced Bumblebee + Tricolored Bumble Bee

Pharaoh Cicada

Two-striped Grasshopper

Twelve Spotted Skimmer

Zebra Longwing

Autumn Meadowhawk

Black Swallowtail

Eastern Forktail

Common Buckeye

Luna Moth

Horned Passalus Beetle + Eastern Eyed Click Beetle

Clockwise top: Karner Blue + Gray Hairstreak + Eastern-tailed Blue

Pacific Forktail

Pipevine Swallowtail

Six-spotted Tiger Beetle

Zebra Swallowtail

Clockwise top right: Two-lined Spittlebug + Spotted Cucumber Beetle + Margined Calligrapher + Common Green June Beetle + Red Banded Leafhopper + Broad-headed Sharpshooter (center)

Two-tailed Swallowtail

Clockwise top right: American Bumblebee + Common Eastern Bumblebee + Eastern Carpenter Bee + Brown-belted Bumblebee

Common Whitetail

Carolina Mantis

Eastern Pondhawk

Clockwise top right: Fiery Skipper + Sachem + Woodland Skipper + Zabulon Skipper

Great Spangled Fritillary


Clockwise top right: Red Milkweed Beetle + Green Stink Beetle + Painted Lichen Moth + Eastern Box Elder Bug + Small Milkweed Bug

Silver Spotted Skipper

Spicebush Swallowtail Catterpillar + Isabella Tiger Moth Caterpillar

Resh Cicada

Clockwise top right: Western Boxelder Bug + Large Milkweed Bug + Western Conifer Seed Bug

Other Invertebrates

Banana Slug

Golden Silk Spider

Mercenaria mercenaria

California Banana Slug + Globose Dome Snail

Yellow Garden Spider

Striped Bark Scorpion

Cuban Brown Snail

Joro Spider

Clockwise from top left: Zebra Jumping Spider + Tan Jumping Spider + Bold Jumping Spider

Pacific Sideband Snail

Spinybacked Orbweaver

Clockwise from top left: Yellow Spotted Millipede + Common Rough Woodlouse + Goldenrod Crab Spider + Common Pill Woodlouse


Bluegill + Florida Gar

Coho + Chinook Salmon

Florida Largemouth Bass + Largemouth Bass

Smallmouth Bass + Striped Bass

Ocean Life

Atlantic Gray Seal

Harbor Seal

Sea Otter

California Sea Lion


Loggerhead Sea Turtle

Common Bottlenose Dolphin

Pacific Harbor Seal

Humpback Whale


Herring Gull

Atlantic Puffin

Common Eider

Double-crested Cormorant


Aggregating Anemone

Atlantic Ghost Crab

Clockwise bottom left: Common Periwinkle + Coquina + Flat Periwinkle + Northern Acorn Barnacle

Gooseneck Barnacle

Ochre Sea Star

Striped Shore Crab

American Lobster

Atlantic Horseshoe Crab

Eastern Oyster

Horned Nudibranch

Portugese Man O'War

Sunburst Anemone

Atlantic Blue Crab

Bat Star

Florida Fighting Conch

Knobbed Whelk

Opalescent Nudibranch

Texas Lightning Whelk

Atlantic Dogwhelk + Wrinkled Purple

Blue Mussel

Giant Green Anemone

Mottled Star

Red Rock Crab

Three-lined Aeolid


Fly Algaric

Orange Mycena + Red Chanterelle + Ringless Honey Mushroom

Peach Colored Fly Agaric

Texas Star Mushroom

Green-spored Parasol + Crown-tipped Coral Fungus

Ruby Porcini Mushroom + Chicken of the Woods

Turkey Tail

Counterclockwise from top left: Common Greenshield + Spanish Moss + British Soldier Lichen + Pink Earth Lichen

Eastern American Jack-O’-Lantern

Ghost Pipes + Yellow Patches

Shaggy Mane + Shaggy-stalked Bolete

Viscid Violet Cort + White Morel

Fairy Parachutes + Lysurus periphragmoides + Red Pinwheel

Pacific Golden Chanterelle

Splitgill Mushroom + Yellow Fieldcap

Slender Orange-bush Lichen


Clockwise top right: Coast Live Oak + Gambel Oak + Bur Oak + Texas Live Oak + Southern Live Oak + Northern Red Oak

American Beautyberry

Big Berry Manzanita

Blue Columbine

Coast Redwood

Red Pine

Common Milkweed

Jack in the Pulpit

Mountain Laurel

Clockwise top right: Honey Mesquite + Trembling Aspen + Eastern Redcedar

Oregon Oak

Prairie Trillium

Red Maple

Clockwise bottom right corner: Northern Whitecedar + Box Elder + Eastern Black Walnut + American Sweetgum + Pecan Tree + Ohio Buckeye

Rugosa Rose

Showy Milkweed

Clockwise far right: White Clover + Smallflower Desert-Chicory + Pinkladies

Tulip Tree

Western Sword Fern

Clockwise top right: Nuttall’s Violet + White Beggarticks + Marsh Marigold + Fire Pink

American Beech

Big Leaf Maple

Eastern White Pine

California Poppy

Clockwise top right: Dutchman’s Breeches + Firebush + Bittersweet Nightshade + Cabbage Palmetto Seed

Coast Rhododendron

Bluebead Lily + Striped Wintergreen

Clockwise top right: Strawberry Bush + American Trumpet Vine + Blue Vervain + Texas Vervain

Douglas Fir

Large White Trillium

Multiflora Rose

Clockwise top right: New England Aster + Trailing Daisy + Crowpoison + Indian Blanket

Painted Trillium

Purple Coneflower

Clockwise top right: Japanese Honeysuckle + American Holly + Wild Geranium + Califoria Buttercup

Red Trillium


Sugar Maple

Venus Flytrap

White Fawn Lily

American Pokeweed

Clockwise far right: Common Blue Violet + Straggler Daisy + Butterfly Pea + Azure Bluet

Black-eyed Susan

Clockwise top right: Salmonberry + Black Raspberry + Common Buckthorn + White Baneberry + Sugar Hackberry + Thimbleberry + Partridgeberry + Trailing Raspberry + Shiny-leaved Wild Coffee + Wineberry (center)

Canadian Bunchberry

Longleaf Pine

Red Columbine

Eastern Skunk Cabbage

Lowbush Blueberry


Ponderosa Pine

Pink Lady's Slipper

Great Mullein + Coral Bean + Fireweed

Purple Passionflower

Resurrection Fern

Sea Grape

Texas Bluebonnet

Interrupted Clubmoss + Downy Rattlesnake Plantain

Virginia Bluebells

White Oak

Balsam Fir


Christmas Fern

Clockwise right: Common Pawpaw + Flowering Dogwood + Eastern Red Bud

Western Columbine + Western Red Columbine

Engelmann's Pricklypear

Clockwise top right: Lyreleaf Sage + Dark-throated Shooting Star + Scarlet Gilia + Silverleaf Nightshade


Oregon Grape

Pink Sundew

Red Mangrove

Rue Anemone

Clockwise top right: Jewelweed + Chicory + Little Brown Jugs + Garlic Mustard Flower + Virginia Spring Beauty

Sensitive Fern

Texas Paintbrush

Western Red Cedar

Clockwise top right: Western Hemlock + Tamarack + Eastern Hemlock + Giant Sequoia

Yellow Trout Lily

Pitch Pine