Drawings 2015 - 2022
A selection of drawings created for group shows between 2015 and 2022. My complete show history is available in my CV.

'Maine,' 2023, Western Visions at the National Museum of Wildlife Art

'Florida Roads,' 2023, Antler Gallery

'Serpens,' 2023, Modern Eden Gallery

'Pup,' 2017, Antler Gallery

'California Mountain Kingsnake and Juvenile Northern Pacific Rattlesnake,' 2019, SCOPE Miami Beach with Antler Gallery

'Gather,' 2017, Last Rites Gallery

'California Kingsnake and Pacific Gophersnake,' 2019, SCOPE Miami Beach with Antler Gallery

'High Desert Mammals,' 2017, Signal Fire Curated Show
'Blue Jay and White Oak,' 2020, Antler Gallery (click image to purchase)

'Curiosities V,' 2018, Nahcotta Gallery

'Curiosities II,' 2018, Nahcotta Gallery

'Eastern Massasauga,' 2018, Antler Gallery

'Float,' 2019, Antler Gallery, Antler Gallery

'Brood,' 2019, Mesa Art Center

'Curiosities VIII,' 2018, Nahcotta Gallery

'Curiosities I,' 2018, Nahcotta Gallery

'Cephalopods,' 2018, (personal work)

'Sphynx Cat,' 2015, PPCLA

'Sphynx Skeletons,' 2015, PPCLA
'Eurasian Jay and English Oak,' 2020, Antler Gallery (click image to purchase)

'Wilderness,' 2020, Antler Gallery

'Forest Sharp-tailed Snake,' 2019, Nahcotta Gallery

'Northeast Forest Floor,' 2016 (personal work)

'Pacific Ring-necked Snake,' 2019, Nahcotta Gallery

'Peach Diagram,' 2016 (personal work)

'Pygmy Rabbit,' 2019, National Museum of Wildlife Art

'Santa Cruz Island Scrub Jay,' 2019, The Vacvvm

'Silent Aviary,' 2016, The Vacvvm

'Snail & Succulent 6,' 2020, Nahcotta Gallery

'Snail & Succulent 1,' 2020, Nahcotta Gallery

'Snail & Succulent 4,' 2020, Nahcotta Gallery

'Snail Ritual,' 2017, Spoke Curated Show at Talon Gallery

'Guts,' 2016, Light Grey Art Lab

'Sonoran Lyresnake,' 2019, Nahcotta Gallery

'Curiosities VII,' 2018, Nahcotta Gallery

'Curiosities IV,' 2018, Nahcotta Gallery

'Wolf and Rattlesnake,' 2020, Antler Gallery

'Spotted Turtle and Mushrooms,' 2016, Antler Gallery

'Snack,' 2019, Antler Gallery

'Prey,' 2018, Beinart

'Mini Mushroom I,' 2017, Talon Gallery

'Mushroom I,' 2017, Talon Gallery

'Mushroom III,' 2017, Talon Gallery

'Red Racer and Southwestern Speckled Rattlesnake,' 2019, SCOPE Miami Beach with Antler Gallery

Great Basin Rattlesnake, Black-tailed Jackrabbit and Boisduval's Blue Butterfly, 2019, SCOPE Miami Beach with Antler Gallery