Small Commissions
How much do Small Commissions cost? When do they ship?
Drawing Cost
Drawing on 5” x 7” paper - $175
Drawing on 5” x 5” paper - $150
Drawing on 8” x 10” paper - $350
Shipping Cost
United States - $10
Canada* - $25
*International customers order at their own risk. Please see my Policies page for more information, and for a list of countries I currently ship to, before submitting a request.
What kinds of commissions can I request?
I am giving priority to requests for plants and creatures that I have not drawn before.
- I will draw: animals, birds, insects, arachnids, plants, fungi, and animal bones, pet portraits (more details below)
- I will not draw: snakes (unfortunately too complicated for drawings of this size), dinosaurs or other prehistoric creatures, humans or human portraits, mythical creatures, fan art of movies or video games, or inanimate objects. Because they have been requested so many times in the past, I am no longer drawing otters, but you can purchase otter prints in my shop.
- These drawings are rendered in my highly detailed style, but they are compositionally very simple. The drawings below are good examples of acceptable complexity for Holiday Commissions.
Pet Portraits
Only one pet per portrait. I will not combine more than one pet in a single drawing. Pet portraits are drawn as busts. See example image below. You must be able to provide well-lit, in-focus photos of your pet for pet portraits. If your provided photo(s) include your pet wearing an article of clothing, that clothing will be included in the pet portrait. Photos of your pet taken from above (you standing over your pet), of the pet hiding under a table/chair, obscured by other objects like blankets, or photos that are very dark or blurry are not suitable reference material.
Drawing on 5” x 5” paper
Drawing on 5” x 7” paper
Example of a pet portrait