All / Prints All Stickers Bookmarks Seconds Sale Posters Prints Postcards Original Drawing Tattoo Ticket Backyard Birds of the Northeast $35.00 Add To Cart Hummingbirds of the World $35.00 Add To Cart Custom Biodiversity Prints from $10.00 Select Print $35 - Choose 15 Small Drawings for an 8 x 10" Print $55 - Choose 16 - 25 Small Drawings for an 11 x 14" print $65 - Choose 26 - 35 Small Drawings for an 11 x 14" Print $75 - Choose 36 - 45 Small Drawings for an 11 x 14" Print $20 - Additional Copy 8 x 10" Print $35 - Additional Copy 11 x 14" Print $10 - Species Key PDF via Email $20 - Custom Small Original Graphite Drawing $25 - Custom Small Original Graphite Drawing $30 - Custom Small Original Graphite Drawing $35 - Custom Small Original Graphite Drawing $40 - Custom Small Original Graphite Drawing $50 - Custom Small Original Graphite Drawing $75 - Custom Small Original Graphite Drawing $100 - Custom Small Original Graphite Drawing Add To Cart Birds of Woodstock, New York's Zena Woods from $80.00 Select Pricing Option Pay $80 - includes $25 donation Pay $90 - includes $35 donation Pay $100 - includes $45 donation CANADIAN CUSTOMERS - Pay $95 - includes $25 donation CANADIAN CUSTOMERS - Pay $105 - includes $35 donation CANADIAN CUSTOMERS - Pay $115 - includes $45 donation Add To Cart Wood Warblers of the Zena Woods $35.00 Add To Cart 'Woodpeckers of the Zena Woods' Print $20.00 Add To Cart 'Birds of Prey of the Zena Woods' Print $20.00 Add To Cart 'No More Golf Courses' Print $20.00 Add To Cart Birds of the Zena Woods Mini Prints (25 Options) $15.00 Select Mini Print Options American Crow - 5 x 7" - $15 American Woodcock - 5 x 7" - $15 Barn Swallow - 7 x 5" - $15 Barred Owl - 7 x 5" - $15 Black-capped Chickadee - 7 x 5" - $15 Blue Jay - 7 x 5" - $15 Canada Goose - 5 x 5" - $15 Chimney Swift - 7 x 5" - $15 Common Nighthawk - 7 x 5" - $15 Downy Woodpecker - 5 x 5" - $15 Great Blue Heron - 7 x 5" - $15 Green Heron - 5 x 5" - $15 Great Horned Owl - 7 x 5" - $15 Mourning Dove - 5 x 7" - $15 Northern Cardinal - 5 x 5" - $15 Northern Flicker - 7 x 5" - $15 Osprey - 5 x 5" - $15 Red-winged Blackbird - 7 x 5" - $15 Rock Pigeon - 5 x 5" - $15 Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 5 x 5" - $15 Ruffed Grouse - 5 x 5" - $15 Turkey Vulture - 5 x 7" - $15 Wild Turkey - 5 x 5" - $15 Winter Wren - 5 x 5" - $15 Great Egret - 5 x 5" - $15 Add To Cart Zena Woods Vernal Pool Amphibians Print $35.00 Add To Cart Woodstock, New York Turtles Print $35.00 Add To Cart Favorite Animal Mini Prints (100 Options) from $10.00 Select Mini Print Options African Penguin - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Aggregating Anemone - 5 x 5" - $15 Amanitas and Snail - 5 x 5" - $15 American Alligator Hatchling - 5 x 7" - $15 Armadillo - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Atlantic Puffin - 5 x 5" - $15 Axolotl - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Banana Slug - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Barn Owl - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Baby Sulcata Tortoise - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Bighorn Sheep - 5 x 5" - $15 Black Swallowtail Butterfly - 5 x 5" - $15 Blooming Mushroom and Snail - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Bobcat - 3.5 x 5" - $10 California Condor - 5 x 7" - $15 California Horned Shark - 5 x 7" - $15 California Sea Lion - 5 x 5" - $15 California Quail - 5 x 5" - $15 Cardinal - 4 x 6" - $12 Cecropia Moth - 5 x 5" - $15 Clownfish - 5 x 5" - $15 Common Bottlenose Dolphin - 4 x 6" - $12 Cuttlefish - 4 x 6" - $12 Eastern Cottonail - 4 x 6" - $12 Elephants - 5 x 5" - $15 Elk Family - 5 x 7" - $15 Emperor Penguin - 5 x 5" - $15 Fawns - 5 x 5" - $15 Fawn Curled Up - 5 x 7" - $15 Florida Manatee - 4 x 6" - $12 Florida Sandhill Crane - 5 x 5" - $15 Fly Agaric - 5 x 5" - $15 Flying Squirrel - 4 x 6" - $12 Giant Kangaroo Rat - 4 x 6" - $12 Giant Pacific Octopus - 5 x 7" - $15 Gorilla - 5 x 7" - $15 Great Egret - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Great Horned Owl - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Great White Sharks - 5 x 5" - $15 Grizzlies - 5 x 7" - $15 Harbor Seals - 5 x 5" - $15 Harpy Eagle - 4 x 6" - $12 Hercules Beetle - 5 x 5" - $15 Horned Nudibranch - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Hummingbird Nest - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Humpback Whale Family - 5 x 5" - $15 Island Fox - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Killer Whale Pod - 5 x 5" - $15 Koalas - 5 x 5" - $15 Leaping Fox - 4 x 6" - $12 Least Weasel - 4 x 6" - $12 Leopard Frog - 5 x 7" - $15 Little Brown Bat - 4 x 6" - $12 Loon - 5 x 5" - $15 Loon and Chick - 5 x 5" - $15 Mallard Duck Family - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Marbled Salamander - 5 x 5" - $15 Mexican free-tailed Bat - 5 x 5" - $15 Mountain Lions - 5 x 5" - $15 Mourning Dove - 5 x 7" - $15 Mushroom Clover and Snail - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Nautilus - 5 x 5" - $15 Nine-banded Armadillo - 4 x 6" - $12 Northern Spotted Owl - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Northwestern Garter Snake - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Opalescent Nudibranch - 4 x 6" - $12 Opossum Family - 5 x 7" - $15 Orchid Mantis - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Osprey - 5 x 5" - $15 Otter and Baby - 4 x 6" - $12 Otters Holding Paws - 4 x 6" - $12 Pallas Cat - 3.5 x 5 - $10 Pallid Bat - 5 x 7" - $15 Pandas - 5 x 5" - $15 Pika - 4 x 6" - $12 Piping Plovers - 5 x 7" - $15 Pitcher Plant - 4 x 6" - $12 Polar Bears - 5 x 7" - $15 Poison Dart Frog - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Portuguese Man O'War - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Raccoon Babies - 5 x 5" - $15 Radiated Tortoise - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Raven - 5 x 7" - $15 Red-bellied Woodpecker - 4 x 6" - $12 Red Eyed Tree Frog - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Red Panda - 5 x 5" - $15 Ringed Salamander - 5 x 7" - $15 Ringtail Lemur - 5 x 5" - $15 River Otter - 5 x 5" - $15 Rock Pigeon - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 5 x 5" - $15 Rusty Patched Bumblebee - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Sloth - 5 x 5" - $15 Snail Frog and Mushrooms - 5 x 5" - $15 Snowy Owl - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Spotted Turtle - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Spotted Salamander - 5 x 5" - $15 Steller's Jay - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Swallow-tailed Kite - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Toucan - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Veiled Chameleon - 5 x 7" - $15 Wallaby - 5 x 7" - $15 Western Coyote - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Whale Shark - 4 x 6" - $12 White Rhino - 5 x 7" - $15 White's Tree Frog - 5 x 5" - $15 White-bellied Pangolin - 5 x 7" - $15 Wombat - 5 x 7" - $15 Wood Stork - 3.5 x 5" - $10 Add To Cart 'Tree Frogs of North America' Print $20.00 Add To Cart Memento Mori Prints from $20.00 Select Print Both Prints Giant Garter Snake and Pipevine Swallowtail San Francisco Garter and Cabbage White Add To Cart Commonly Observed Flora, Fauna and Fungi Prints $35.00 Select Your State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Add To Cart 'Life Cycle' Print $20.00 Add To Cart Saturniid Moth Mini Prints from $15.00 Select Moth Mini Print Options Atlas Moth Mini Print - $15 Banded Emperor Moth Mini Print - $15 Cecropia Moth Mini Print - $15 Luna Moth Mini Print - $15 Pine Tree Emperor Moth Mini Print - $15 Full Set of 5 Prints (Save $5) - $70 Add To Cart Tip Jar from $5.00 Select Tip $5 Tip $10 Tip $15 Tip $20 Tip $25 Tip $100 Tip Add To Cart